If you are planning to undertake any revegetation on your property, you can find guides here to help you prepare your project site and choose what species you should plant. Your Landcare group and facilitators will also be able to provide assistance.
Would you like to undertake on-ground works on your property to improve biodiversity values, protect remnant vegetation, store carbon, provide linkages and habitat, and increase your property value?
Our residential gardens can provide vital habitat supporting native birds and animals, including threatened species. They can also provide food from productive veggie patches and small orchards, and be an oasis for you to simply enjoy.
Our Facilitators are here to help your group plan for projects, and help write applications for appropriate grants. Please look through the current grants and read the guidelines to see if there are any opportunities for your group.
The Ovens Landcare Network has a range of equipment to help our local Landcare groups give presentations, attend local events, or hold a variety of activities. If there is something in particular you need we may be able to help you source it.
Are you looking for a citizen science opportunity or help identifying a plant or animal. There are so many resources that have been developed by government bodies, environmental organisations, and community groups.
The Ovens Landcare Network develops policies to help our Landcare groups with their administration and governance responsibilities. These policies are available for groups to adopt or change as needed.
Copyright © 2019 Ovens Landcare Network Inc - All Rights Reserved.